Check out these real-life looking paintings

Check out these real-life looking paintings

At first glance, you might not think there's anything particularly unusual about these photos of these women but if you look a little closer, you'll see they are in fact paintings. They are the result of painstakingly long hours of brushing layer-upon-layer of oil paint. The work of 41 year old  Philipp Weber, a hyper-realistic artist .

Philipp says whenever he starts a new piece, he first brings his ideas to life through a photo-shoot with models, make-up artists and a team of snappers.

Philipp works from the photos to create a replication which is entirely painted - and he says this is where he brings the models to life.
The first layer forms the basis and then he builds on the layers, until the overall form becomes visible and "the desired intensity and intimacy is reached".
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