Girl's tweet about Kylie Jenner posing in wheelchair goes viralg

A high school student says she's shocked but pleased about the
online reaction to her tweet in response to a photograph of able-
bodied TV star and model Kylie Jenner posing in a wheelchair.
Ophelia Brown, 17, uses a wheelchair due to the complex
regional pain syndrome that she was diagnosed with at nine
years old.
When she saw the Interview magazine image of Jenner,
Brown was upset and wrote a message on Twitter that was
directed at Kylie.
"Having an able-bodied person pose in a wheelchair like
it's a fashion accessory, it trivializes the concept of a
wheelchair," Brown told CBC News in an interview at her
school Thursday.
"A wheelchair is not a fashion accessory, it's not a prop,
it's not something that I can easily get in and out of. It's
not something that I want. It's something that I need to
get to school, to go out with friends, to live a normal life.
"It's not something to be trivialized."
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